Saturday, November 14, 2015

Lake Karachay

Lake Karachay, Russia

Used for years as nuclear dumping site by the Soviet Union, Lake Karachay has several times been declared the most polluted place on Earth. In fact, it has been said that just 1 hour of exposure here would be lethal.

Lake Karachay, Russia --- Used for years as nuclear dumping site by the Soviet Union, Lake Karachay has several times been declared the most polluted place on Earth. In fact, it has been said that just 1 hour of exposure here would be lethal.
Lake Karachay

Lake Karachay, Russia --- After being used as a dumping site for radioactive waste for decades, Lake Karachay, located in the southern Ural mountains in western Russia, got to be one of the most polluted spots in the world.
Lake Karachay, Russia --- After being used as a dumping site for radioactive waste for decades, Lake Karachay, located in the southern Ural mountains in western Russia, got to be one of the most polluted spots in the world. 
Lake Karachay, Russia --- This is due to radioactive waste that were dumped into the lake by the nearby Mayak nuclear facilities.
Lake Karachay, Russia --- This is due to radioactive waste that were dumped into the lake by the nearby Mayak nuclear facilities.

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